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FY 18 - 22 IOD Strategic Plan

Fiscal Year:
Contact Information:
Product Description:
Our Strategic Plan plays a central role in defining the path the IOD takes to realize this future. With external stakeholder input, an analysis of environmental trends and priorities, and a comprehensive internal evaluation, the IOD is committing to the following three strategic intentions and associated goals and activities. Environmental and organizational dynamics and priorities continuously evolve. Consequently, the IOD needs to optimize its agility and responsiveness to the changing needs of the greater disability community and the organization. To that end, our approach during this five-year period is to commit to specific, realistic, and measurable activities through an annual evaluative process while maintaining the Strategic Intentions and Broad Goals identified. We are confident that this approach will maximize the outcomes of this plan and yield the greatest impact for our organization and the individuals and communities we serve.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Policymakers, Students
Alternative Format:
Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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