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Paid for the Privilege: Hearing the Voices of Autism

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Product Description:
Paid for the Privilege is an account of a marketing director's experiences in a day center for disabled adults where he had been hired to find work for people whose lives are segregated from the social and economic mainstream. But, more importantly it is an account of a series of transformations that occurred in this community. Their introduction to communication techniques gave voices to people who had grown up without speech and been labeled mentally retarded. It is a sounding board for people who are unable to reveal their thoughts, needs, dreams and longings through conventional communication channels. Identified as "autistic," they are typically regarded as aloof, unaware, and withdrawn. Dan Reed discovers that none of these descriptions is true. Their stories tell of acute sensitivities, insight, and wisdom. He quickly learns that he has more to learn than to teach and in recording his own story lets the reader share in the privilege.
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Consumers/Families, Professionals
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