Journal: Longitudinal Follow-up of Metformin Treatment in Fragile X Syndrome
Product Description:
Individuals with FXS ages 6 to 25 years (mean 13.15 ± 5.50) and nonverbal IQ mean 57.69 (±15.46) were treated for 1–3 years (1.88 ± 0.63). They all had a baseline IQ test using the Leiter-III non-verbal cognitive assessment and the Vineland-III adaptive behavior assessment before the start of metformin. Repeat Leiter-III and Vineland-III were completed after at least 1 year of metformin (500–1,000 mg/dose given twice a day).
Metformin, Fragile X Syndrome
Product/Publication Type(s):
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals Published/In Press
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