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Course Syllabus: Contemporary Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
This goal of this course is to enhance students? understanding of contemporary issues related to educating students with autism spectrum disorders. The course is grounded in a theoretical foundation that values the perspectives of individuals with ASD in academic, research, policy, and clinical endeavors. Each year the course focus will change to reflect current and emerging issues in the field. During the fall 2007 semester, the theme of the course will be ?Presuming Competence.? Historically, individuals with autism spectrum disorders are considered at high risk for experiencing an intellectual disability. This course will contrast that traditional view with new research and practices that presume all students are competent to learn core academic knowledge and skills, competent to participate in inclusive educational settings, competent to communicate, and competent to have satisfying social relationships.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Academic Course Development
Target Audience:
Professionals, Students
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