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NCPAD Newsletter: October 2005

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http://www.ncpad.org/newsletter/newsletter.php?letter=43 THIS MONTH'S TOPICS From the Editor's Desk: Fitness Center Accessibility and More Director's Column: Newspaper Misses Mark in Health Club Feature F.I.T.T.: Fitness Ideas, Trends, & Topics: Why It's Called a "Health" Club New NCPAD Document: Choosing a Fitness Center From the Information Specialist's Desk Rectech's National Users with Disabilities Group Exercising (NUDGE) Power Plate with Advanced Vibration Technology The Accessible Environments Study What Have I Learned This Month: Do You Need a College Degree to Read a Food Label?! NCPAD Book Review: Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta NCPAD Video Corner: Getting Healthy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Water Wellness Program NCPAD Research Corner Exercise Can Reverse Quadriceps Sensorimotor Dysfunction Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis RERC RecTech State of the Science Conference Call for Papers/Abstracts/Submissions Nutrition Spotlight: Sometimes it's Necessary to Gain Weight Public Health Corner: What's New from the Guide to Community Preventive Services Events Conferences Employment Grant Opportunities
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