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NCPAD Newsletter: March 2006

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http://www.ncpad.org/newsletter/newsletter.php?letter=50 THIS MONTH'S TOPICS From the Editor?s Desk: Paralympic Inspiration Director's Column: Do As I Say Not as I Do Not the Right Attitude for a Rehab Conference Focus on Secondary Condition Prevention From the Information Specialist's Desk: Paralympic Resources and More! Community Voice: The Thrill of the Slope F.I.T.T: Are You at Risk? Understanding BMI and What it Means to You Rectech's National Users with Disabilities Group Exercising (NUDGE): The Garden Rocker NCPAD Video Corner: Gardening Virtual Tour NCPAD Research Corner: Building Health Promotion Interventions for Persons with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions Nutrition Spotlight: Healthy Grocery Shopping on a Budget What Have I Learned This Month: Seeking Balance in Life New NCPAD Article: Congestive Heart Failure Events Conferences Employment Grant Opportunities Awards and Scholarships NCPAD Contact and Partner Information Subscribe/Unsubscribe Legal Notice
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