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Discovering My Autism: Apoloigia Pro Vita Sua (with Apologies to Cardinal Newman)

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Edgar Schneider was described as eccentric, tangential, illogical and hallucinatory; and misdiagnosed as schizophrenic. After years of struggle, Schneider was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and ADD. He tells the story of how liberating it was to discover his autism. He reflects on his experiences and his memories of his childhood and teenage years as a clever and artistic loner. Dispassionately, he examines his difficulties with relationships, his high pain threshold, his lack of concentration and his highly absorbent intelligence. He also describes the pleasure he derives from art, music and literature; the importance to him of his religious beliefs; and his work with parents' support groups. As an account of how it feels to be a person with high-functioning autism, this book should be read by parents, professionals and people with autism, Asperger's Syndrome, or ADD.
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