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Impact: Feature Issue on Supporting Transition-Age Young People with Deafblindness

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Product Description:
Deafblindness is a disability that, while of low incidence, has a profound impact on the lives of those whom it touches. Persons who are deafblind are often viewed from a perspective that acknowledges only their disability. It is also frequently assumed that individuals with deafblindness are a homogenous group with uniform support needs. Our experiences clearly show that persons with deafblindness are as heterogeneous a group as any other, and individually and collectively have enormous capabilities and gifts to share. However, this potential is realized only when sufficient supports are provided. This is especially true during the transition years when decisions about adult life are made. This issue of "Impact" explores some of the major challenges faced by young adults who are deafblind, their families, and those who provide supports to them during their transition to adult life. It also includes success stories from programs and individuals. We hope that this collection of articles will encourage readers to reflect on their own perspective about transition as it applies to young adults who are deafblind.
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Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
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