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ACS CDS - Personal Care

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
Grooming and hygiene is an important part of daily life. Grooming and hygiene can reflect a person's well-being and self-esteem. Poor hygiene can lead to poor health. Many direct support professionals help people with grooming and hygiene activities. These include tasks such as helping with dressing, bathing, shaving, or using the toilet. It may also include teaching these skills to children or adults with special needs. Direct support professionals may feel uncomfortable assisting people with grooming and hygiene. Learning to support people with personal care in a sensitive and respectful manner is discussed. It is also important to respect a person's own grooming habits. These are personal and unique, and can be culturally based. Direct support professionals will learn how to find out about people's personal style and preferences. Learners will review methods for completing many grooming and hygiene tasks. This course will also help learners understand health concerns and risks related to personal care. Lessons within this course include: Understanding Personal and Self Care, Providing Individualized Personal Care Support, The Basics of Hygiene, The Basics of Grooming and Dressing, Oral Care
Product/Publication Type(s):
Academic Course Development
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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