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LEADD: Presentation at AUCD Annual Meeting Transforming an integrated curriculum on cultural and linguistic competence and family-centered practices

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Product Description:
Learning objectives for session attendees: 1. Gain practical knowledge about designing curriculum modules that integrate elements of Cultural and Linguistic Competence with Family-Centered/Family-Directed Practices. 2. Become aware of course design principles that apply when transforming components of a face-to-face LEND training program into a blended learning program for distance trainees. 3. Gain access to resources, instructional materials, self-assessment tools, and guided field/practicum experiences geared to learning about families, disability and culture. Transforming curriculum that has been used for face-to-face MCH leadership training for use at a distance and for a specific target group requires careful needs assessment, detailed step-by-step planning, and responsive flexibility to trainee needs and feedback. LEND faculty at the Westchester Institute for Human Development and New York Medical College adapted LEND curriculum on cultural and linguistic competence, health disparities, and family partnerships to create a three credit course within our twelve credit certificate program for MCH Professionals living and working in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The course, Building Family Partnerships and Developing Cultural Competence, uses a blended methodology which incorporates synchronous sessions (using Webex ?), readings and assignments on the Moodle course management system, twelve hours of face-to-face sessions in the USVI, community-based assignments, and a longitudinal evidence-based individual project.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
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