Product Description:
Screening data from four Early Numeracy Indicators (Number Identification, Quantity
Discrimination, Missing Number, and Mixed Numeracy) originally developed by Lembke and Foegen (2005) are presented in this report. These measures were used to collect benchmarking data during the fall, winter, and spring in a small Midwestern school district during the 2008-2009 academic year. As in earlier studies, mean scores on each of the measures increased over the course of the year. The mean scores for kindergarten students for the three screening periods were quite similar to those of earlier cohorts, while first grade students' scores were slightly
lower than those in earlier studies. The alternate-form reliability coefficients for all four of the
indicators have proven to be consistent over time with nearly all at the .80 level or greater. The
levels of concurrent validity and predictive validity for the different measures have also stayed
relatively constant over the years with Mixed Numeracy having the highest concurrent validity
coefficients and the highest predictive validity coefficients for kindergarten students. Quantity
Discrimination had the highest predictive validity coefficients for first grade students, followed
by the Mixed Numeracy measures.
After considering four years of screening data for the Early Numeracy Indicators, we
found support for the use of two Mixed Numeracy tasks for the fall, winter, and spring
benchmarking assessments. Using a single measure for screening purposes (as opposed to four
separate measures) will significantly decrease the amount of time that teachers need to spend
gathering benchmarking data throughout the year.
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