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NIS: Definition of Severe Problem Behavior in Individiduals with Intellectual Disability

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Product Description:
In this study, the Delphi method was used to reach a consensus, among Quebec experts (n _ 57) in the field of intellectual disability (ID) and serious behavioural disorders (SBD), on a definition of ?behavioural problem? and of ?serious behavioural disorder,? as well as on the determination of the gravity factors of a behavioural problem. These professionals in the field work at rehabilitation centres for persons with ID or SBD, or in a university setting. Two rounds of consultation produced at least an 85% level of agreement on the two definitions and on 14 of the 15 factors to establish the gravity of a behavioural problem. Results of the study are presented along with their impact on specialized services for persons with ID or SBD and on research.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals Published/In Press
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Language other than English
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