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ACS CDS - Working With Families And Other Support Networks

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
Everyone has family and support networks in their lives. These are the people who surround you. These are people you develop relationships with. They add quality, meaning and enjoyment that enrich your life. People with disabilities who receive support are not any different. They have families and support networks which are intensely important to their quality of life. This course will help you understand the importance of support networks. It will help you develop working relationship with families and other support networks. You will learn the importance of family and support networks as well as learning what skills are needed to work effectively with both. Lessons within this course include: Understanding Support Networks, Families as a Unique Support Network, Creating Partnerships with Family Support Network, Problem Solving within Support Networks
Product/Publication Type(s):
Academic Course Development
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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