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Concept analysis of nutritional literacy: The association between nutritional literacy and childhood obesity

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ABSTRACT Background/Objective: The authors present a novel concept analysis of low nutritional literacy in parents and its association with childhood obesity. Methods: The concept analysis method developed by Walker and Avant was followed and will provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of nutritional literacy. Determinants of health such as income, education, and culture that disproportionally impact minorities are considered. Results: This paper will add to the resources health professionals can use to develop strategies that will aid in closing the gap in nutritional literacy. Discussion/Conclusions: Expanding research to examine the association between childhood obesity and low nutritional literacy among parents may provide insights and links to mitigating childhood obesity.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals Published/In Press
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
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