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Institute on Disability - Early Childhood Inclusion Kit

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Product Description:
This informative inclusion kit provides valuable information for educators, families, and students. With more than a dozen multi-media resources at your fingertips, these are a vital addition to any library and provide essential tools for presentations, conferences, and meetings. This kit includes: ~Magic of Belonging (video) ~Early Editions 1-4, ~What's Next for Your 2 Year Old?, ~The Lighter Side of IEPs, ~ From Special to Regular, From Ordinary to Extraordinary, ~If Everyone Agrees This Is So Important, Then Why Do So Few Kids With Disabilities Have Real Friends?(article) ~Developing Augmentative Communication to Support Participation in General Education Classrooms (article), ~The Science and Art of AAC and General Education Curriculum Supports: AAC, Assessment, and Cognitive Labels (article), ~Inclusive Education Practices for Supporting Students Who Use Augmentive Communication (article), and ~ Treasures: A Celebration of Inclusion, ~Voices of Friendship Video
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs, Electronic Products
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