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ACS Changes in the primary diagnosis of students with intellectual or developmental disabilities ages 6 to 21 receiving special education...1999-2008

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Overall, the number of students with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) receiving special education services increased from 885,696 in 1999 to 1,078,053 in 2008 (21.7%). During these years, the total number of students in elementary and secondary schools in the United States increased 5.0%. The number of students with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability decreased 20.4% and the number with a primary diagnosis of orthopedic impairment declined 12.0%. The number of students in all the other categories increased, with large increases noted for autism (349.2%), traumatic brain injury (83.2%), and developmental delay (390.6%). The statistics on developmental delay are difficult to interpret because the category, applicable only to students ages 9 years and younger, is optional for states, with 17 states reporting 19,743 students in 1999 and 33 states reporting 96,854 students in 2008.
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Reports and monographs
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