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RTC: Lund: JournArt: Community-based services and interventions for adults with disabilities who have experienced interpersonal violenct: A review of the literature

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Product Description:
This study provides a review of the peer-reviewed literature from 1995 to 2010 on violence-related service, prevention, and intervention programs for people with disabilities. A comprehensive literature search resulted in a total of 16 articles,6 related to service programs and 10 related to intervention and prevention programs. The services articles revealed a noticeable disconnect between the violence services programs? perceived accessibility and the perception of their accessibility in the disability community. Most of the intervention and prevention articles focused exclusively on abuse prevention for adults with intellectual disabilities and generally had small samples and lacked controlled conditions. Very few methods of abuse treatment for people with disabilities have been empirically evaluated.
vulnerability to abuse, developmentally delayed, domestic violence, intervention/treatment, sexual assault
Product/Publication Type(s):
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals Published/In Press
Target Audience:
Professionals, Policymakers
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