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Which Behavior Management Strategies do Physicians Recommend, and Which do They Not? Current Perspectives on Behvior Management in Primary Care

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Product Description:
In recent years, behavioral health services have embraced an integrated care model in which psychologists provide services within the context of primary care. This model provides direct access to behavioral health/behavioral pediatrics services to families who receive health care from these medical practices. Despite the success of this model, there are countless medical practices in which the primary provider of pediatric behavior management is a physician. In an effort to identify the precise advice physicians provide to patients, we surveyed approximately 300 pediatricians and family practice physicians from eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Within a comprehensive evaluation of physician behavior management practices, we asked physicians to rate the frequency on a 7 point Likert scale, with which they offered parents strategies to encourage appropriate and adaptive behavior and which strategies they recommended to parents to decrease the occurrence of problem behavior.
Externalizing, Child, Compliance, Conduct problems, Parenting
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Policymakers, Students
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