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AIRRTC-The Replication of a Model for Determ. Commun. Based Needs of AM. IN. with Disab. through Cons. Involve. in Comm. Plan. and Change: Min.-St. P

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The Replication of a Model for Determining Community-Based Needs of American Indians with Disabilities through Consumer Involvement in Community Planning and Change: Minnespolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. This is a follow-up study (Phase II) to the community-based needs assessment conducted in Minneapolist-St. Paul duirng the 1991 project by Marshall, Day-Davila, and Mackin (1992). The project design called for a follow-up to evaluate whether or not postitive community change occurred in the areas identified as "consumer concerns," and whether the recommendations from the 1991 (Phase I) study had been addressed. RR-7b Final Report-Phase II) 49 pages
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