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IT: pepnet 2: Demystifying Hearing Assistance Technology

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Product Description:
This manual is divided into three parts: audiological considerations in the management of hearing loss, hearing assistance technology, and resources. Part I provides the groundwork for service providers about the auditory system and hearing loss, the role of hearing healthcare professionals, best practices, and hearing aids and implantable auditory devices. Part II focuses on how to extend one?s hearing ability (aided or not) through hearing assistance technology. The first section explores communication access in terms of what information the individual with hearing loss may receive auditorily, and how characteristics of the environment will impact the individual?s ability to function. Next, the various types 2of communication access options are described: assistive listening devices, speech-totext services, alerting devices, and telecommunications options. Finally, information for the service provider about determining the appropriateness of a service is offered. Part III contains references and resources and is an extensive list of information provided to assist readers who may need more in-depth information in a specific topic area.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Electronic Products
Target Audience:
Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
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