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Andrew Morris, MPH

2003 AUCD Disability Policy Leadership Fellow

Andrew Morris, MPH, served as the AUCD Disability Policy Leadership Fellow during 2003-2004.  A former Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program Trainee at the Oregon Institute on Disabilities and Development, Andrew represented AUCD on the Health and Long Term Services Task Forces of the Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities (CCD).  Additionally, Andrew concentrated on the following policy areas: the President's New Freedom Initiative (NFI) related to Medicaid; the Family Opportunity Act; Medicaid waivers and other reform proposals; Medicaid reimbursement in the territories; and the new Medicare Modernization Act.  Andrew also established the AUCD Medicaid Workgroup.

Andrew reflected on how the Fellowship experience impacted his career goals, writing, "This past year, combined with my LEND experience, has had a tremendous impact on my career.  Disability policy has become a large part of my life.  The ability to advocate for changes that will positively impact a person's life is something that I want to continue."  Additionally he stated, "The Disability Leadership Policy Fellowship this past year has been an amazing experience that is difficult to put into the words that can express the gratitude I have for AUCD, the network, the board, and my home UCEDD.  Whether participating in meetings with AUCD members, Congressmen, Hill staff, Administration officials and staff, the experience has burned into my mind the need to "fight the good fight" to help improve the lives of people with disabilities." 

To learn more about Andrew's experience, read his final report.