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Kiki Oyetunji

2020-2021 Emerging Leaders Interns

Aderonke (Kiki) Oyetunji is a second-year LEND fellow at the University of Kansas Medical Center and the new Emerging Leaders, Events Intern.

As a physician and an aspiring child psychiatrist with interest and experience in behavioral sciences and epigenetics research, Kiki is also serving within the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Title V program as an intern in the Bureau of Family Health.

Following a diagnosis warranting an Individualized Educational Plan targeting behavior and attention in her son at the age of 3, Kiki has developed a passion for childhood mental health. She hopes to provide an all-inclusive healthcare model for children with this form of disability. She focuses on better understanding social determinants and related factors that impact access to comprehensive and continuous care and the resources available to access affordable care and services for this population.

Kiki enjoys early morning runs, traveling to and cooking meals from different countries.