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AUCD Network members regularly convene around common topical interests to share information, engage in respectful dialogue, and generate new ideas. 

What do SIGs do?
SIGs allow Network members to meet and discuss critical topics in the disability field. A Chair or Co-Chairs lead SIGs. SIGs meet virtually throughout the year and in person annually at the AUCD Conference. Because the interests of AUCD members drive SIGs, new SIGs may emerge while SIGs that have run their course may disband. Occasionally, AUCD leadership may engage SIGs to share evidence-based knowledge and information for policymakers, should the SIG topic be of current interest in federal legislative or executive efforts.

What are the benefits of joining a SIG?
SIG members meet and Network with others who share similar interests, providing access to a wealth of experience that can be applied through collaborative discussion, brainstorming, problem-solving, development of educational resources, or development of grant proposals and program development. Members play a role in identifying and addressing priorities and emerging needs, contributing to the ongoing growth and impact of AUCD’s national Network.

Who can join a SIG?
SIGs are open to all Network members, external partners, and constituents. Emerging Leaders are encouraged to participate.

How does someone join a SIG?
Anyone can join one or multiple SIGs. If a member is interested in joining a SIG, they can visit AUCD - SIGs, follow the link to the SIG(s) of interest, and click on the link to subscribe to the e-mail listserv for that SIG. By joining the listserv, you are committing to being a member of the SIG.

How does a SIG differ from a Council?
Council Chairs sit on AUCD’s Board of Directors, contributing to the overall leadership and direction of the organization. This is not the case with SIG Chairs. SIGs focus on specific disability-related topics such as employment or assistive technology. Councils have a broader focus that aligns with the specialties of the AUCD Network and can be applied to any disability-related topic: research and evaluation, advocacy and inclusion, cultural competence, community education and dissemination, and training.