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AUCD Experts

Catherine Ipsen

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Contact Information:
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Employment Research <br> Systems Evaluation
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
RTC:Rural: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation

Rural Self Employment

Exploring Rural Disability Onset

Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project

Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care

Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data

AUCD Council Membership:
Council on Research and Evaluation



Linked Projects

RU: Ipsen, ASPIRE, PROMISE grant
RU: Ipsen: Achieving Success by Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment
RU: RTC6: R6: Ipsen: Rural Contracted Services
RU: RTC6: R7: Ipsen: The Use of Social Media for Employment
RU: RTC6: R8: Ipsen: Rural Self Employment Opportunities

RU: Ipsen: Achieving Success by Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment
RU: RTC6: R8: Ipsen: Rural Self Employment Opportunities
RU: RTC6: R6: Ipsen: Rural Contracted Services
RU: RTC6: R7: Ipsen: The Use of Social Media for Employment
IPSEN: Achieving Success by Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment
RTC6: R8: Ipsen: Rural Self Employment Opportunities
RTC6: R7: Ipsen: The Use of Social Media for Employment
RTC6: R6: Ipsen: Rural Contracted Services
IPSEN: Achieving Success by Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment
RTC6: R6: Ipsen: Rural Contracted Services
RTC6: R7: Ipsen: The Use of Social Media for Employment
RTC6: R8: Ipsen: Rural Self Employment Opportunities
IPSEN: Achieving Success by Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment
RTC6: R6: IPSEN: Rural Contracted Services
RTC6: R7: IPSEN: The Use of Social Media for Employment
RTC6: R8: IPSEN: Rural Self Employment Opportunities
RTC7: R3: IPSEN: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
RTC7: R8: IPSEN: Rural Self-Employment
RTC7: IPSEN: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
RTC7: R1: IPSEN: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
IPSEN: Achieving Success by Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment (ASPIRE)
RTC6: R6: IPSEN: Rural Contracted Services
RTC6: R7: IPSEN: The Use of Social Media for Employment
RTC6: R8: IPSEN: Rural Self Employment Opportunities
RTC7: IPSEN: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
RTC7: R1: IPSEN: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
RTC7: R3: IPSEN: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
RTC7: R8: IPSEN: Rural Self-Employment
RTC7: IPSEN: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
RTC7: R1: IPSEN: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
RTC7: R3: IPSEN: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
RTC7: R8: IPSEN: Rural Self-Employment
IPSEN: Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project
IPSEN: Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project
RTC7: IPSEN: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
RTC7: R1: IPSEN: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
RTC7: R2: IPSEN: Exploring Rural Disability Onset
RTC7: R3: IPSEN: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
RTC7: R8: IPSEN: Rural Self-Employment
IPSEN: Healthy Community Living (Sales and Service)
IPSEN: RTC7: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
IPSEN: RTC7: R1: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
IPSEN: RTC7: R2: Exploring Rural Disability Onset
IPSEN: RTC7: R3: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
IPSEN: RTC7: R5: Partners for Healthy Community Living
IPSEN: RTC7: R8: Rural Self-Employment
IPSEN: Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project
IPSEN: RTC7: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
IPSEN: RTC7: R1: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
IPSEN: RTC7: R2: Exploring Rural Disability Onset
IPSEN: RTC7: R3: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
IPSEN: RTC7: R5: Partners for Healthy Community Living
IPSEN: RTC7: R8: Rural Self-Employment
IPSEN: Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project
SAGE, IPSEN: RTC 8: Rural Solutions to Strengthen Disability Community Capacity
IPSEN: RTC7: Place-based Solutions for Rural Community Participation
IPSEN: RTC7: R1: Expanding the Availability and Quality of Rural Data
IPSEN: RTC7: R2: Exploring Rural Disability Onset
IPSEN: RTC7: R3: Rural Access to Health Insurance and Health Care
IPSEN: RTC7: R5: Partners for Healthy Community Living
IPSEN: RTC7: R8: Rural Self-Employment
IPSEN: Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project
SAGE, IPSEN: RTC 8: Rural Solutions to Strengthen Disability Community Capacity
Linked Products

RTC6: R7: IPSEN & GOE: Social Media: Current Tools for Job Seekers
RTC5: IPSEN & GOE: Exploring exit from the Vocational Rehabilitation system