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AUCD Experts

Eduardo Bustamante, PhD

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Contact Information:
1919 W. Taylor St. Room 626, M/C 517, Chicago, IL, 60612
Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Dr. Bustamante is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He is also the founder and director the UIC Healthy Kids Lab. Prior to joining the UIC faculty, Dr. Bustamante was a Postdoctoral Fellow focused on pediatric obesity at Medical College of Georgia. His research explores the relationships between health behaviors, brain development, and mental health in youth, especially children with ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders. Dr. Bustamante is committed to promoting health in communities where childhood obesity, chronic disease, and mental health disorder rates are high and resources available to meet needs are low. Towards these ends, he partners with youth service organizations in the city to develop evidence-based interventions to simultaneously promote children's physical and mental health. His work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in high-level peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Dr. Bustamante is active on-campus, including co-founding the Exercise is Medicine-On Campus Program at UIC. Dr. Bustamante is a Fellow and Trustee of the American College of Sports Medicine, and has led and supported diversity programming in that organization since 2015.
Linked Projects

Be Unstoppable In Life Together (BUILT),
Great First Eight Curriculum
Be Unstoppable in Life Together (BUILT) Family Lifestyle Program
Family Lifestyle Intervention for ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Great First Eight Curriculum,
Linked Products

The effects of the BAILAMOSTM dance program on physical activity levels and cognition of older Latino adults: A pilot study
Supporting physical activity in patients and populations during life events and transitions: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association
BAILAMOS with mHealth technology! Improving physical activity and well-being in middle-aged and older Latinxs
Enjoyment of physical activity—not MVPA during physical education—predicts future MVPA participation and sport self-concept
Physical activity and public health: Four decades of progress