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AUCD Experts

Ansley Bacon, PhD

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Contact Information:
Co-UCEDD Director
Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Ansley Bacon, Ph.D. is the President and CEO of the Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD), a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD). She is also the Director of the Center on Disability and Health in the Graduate School of Health Sciences and Practice at New York Medical College. Her academic appointments include Professor of Practice in the School of Health Sciences and Practice, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics at New York Medical College.

From 1978 - 1985, she served as the Director of the Mississippi University Center on Disability. In 1985, she assumed her current position with  WIHD . She has been active in the Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD), serving as the AUCD President in 1987-88, and co-chairing the Legislative Affairs Committee. Dr. Bacon has participated on over 25 Site Review Teams to other University Centers on Disability, and on several grant review panels for three federal agencies. In 1993 - 1994, Dr. Bacon was the recipient of the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation's Public Policy Fellowship.



  • Bacon, A. (April 2013). Moderator, Legislative Panel at the UCEDD/LEND Trainee Symposium, Disability Policy Seminar, Washington DC. 
  • Bacon, A. (March 2013) OPWDD Commissioners Forum on Managed Care, Moderated Panel Discussion, Valhalla, NY.
  • Calkins, C., Wehmeyer, M., Bacon, A., Heller, T., and Walker, H. (December 2012). Scaling Up Efforts to Promote Self-Determination. Training Symposium at the Annual AUCD Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Bacon, A. (presenting author), Schwartz, A., OHara, D., Davies, D. and Stock, S. (July 2012). Creating iPad-Based Applications for Direct Response Survey Options by People with I/DD. Presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA.
  • Bacon, A. (June 2012) Best Practices in Enhancing Self-Determination: The Role of DD Councils, presentation at the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Technical Assistance Institute sponsored by the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities; Alexandria, VA.
  • Bacon, A. (June 2012). The Challenges of UCEDD Leadership. Presented at the UCEDD-Leadership Institute: National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
  • OHara, D. & Bacon, A. (August 2008). Self-Determination, reducing health disparities, improving chronic disease care. Presentation at AAIDD, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID), 13th World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • OHara, D. & Bacon, A. (August 2008). Enhancing self-determination in health care and improving health outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities. Presentation at AAIDD, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID), 13th World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Bacon, A. (February 2008). The World of UCEDDs: Internal and External Factors. Plenary Panel presentation at the UCEDD Directors Annual Retreat, Tampa, Florida.
  • Bacon, A. & Carroll, R. (August 2007). Developing and Communication a Five -Year Plan. A 90-minute Webinar for University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.
  • OHara, D. & Bacon, A. (September, 2005). Combing public health and clinical strategies to reduce health disparities among persons with intellectual disabilities. Paper presented at the combined health and mental health special interest research group meeting of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability, Melbourne, Australia.
  • OHara, D., & Bacon, A. (2004, June). An experiential approach to medical education in intellectual disabilities. Paper presented at the 12th quadrennial conference of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Montpellier, France.
  • Bacon, A. (2004, June). Health Disparities. Moderated panel discussion on Physical Health & PMD, at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID), 12th World Congress, Montpellier, France.
  • Bacon, A. (2004, June). Medical Education. Participated in panel discussion on Population & Services at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID), 12th World Congress, Montpellier, France.
  • Vitale, M., Levitz, M., OHara, D., Bacon, A. & Crimmins, D. (2004, May). Best Buddies for Health. Paper presented at the annual conference on health promotion of the New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY.
  • Bacon, A. (February, 2002). Governmental Affairs/Public Policy Seminar. Moderated panel discussion on presentation of key issues at Annual Policy Seminar of the ARC/AAMR/AUCD, Washington, D.C.
  • Crimmins, D.B., Farrell, A.F. Bacon, A., & OHara, D. (2001, November). Project Cope: Providing information on supporting individuals with disabilities in coping with the September 11th disaster. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for University Centers on Disabilities, Bethesda, MD.
  • Bacon, A., OHara, D., Levitz, B., & Fowler, J. (August 2000). Promoting parent and consumer partnerships in a UAP. Poster presentation at the meeting of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability, Seattle, WA.
  • Bacon, A. (June, 2000). Assistive Technology and People with Developmental Disabilities. Moderated panel discussion at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Saratoga, New York.
  • Bacon, A., Michels, J., & Towle, P. (1999, May). Satisfaction with health care: A comparison of opinions of adults with developmental disabilities and their health care coordinators. Poster Presentation at the LEND Poster Session, Valhalla, New York.
  • Bacon, A. (1999, April). Access to care for children with disabilities. Moderated panel discussion at Children at Risk Conference, Pace University School of Law, White Plains, New York
  • Bacon, A. (1996, January). University Affiliated Programs and Community Partnerships. Invited lecture at the opening of the new University Affiliated Program at University College, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Bacon, A. (1995, June). Leadership Training. Invited Presentation at a Workshop on Guidelines for Pediatric Physical Therapy, Washington, D.C.
  • Bacon, A. (1994, October). Inclusion: A National Disability Policy Perspective. Moderator of a Plenary Session at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Affiliated Programs, Bethesda, MD.
  • Bacon, A. (1992, October). Collaboration between University Affiliated Programs and State Title V Agencies. Paper presented in a Plenary Session at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Affiliated Programs, Bethesda, MD.
  • Bacon, A. (1991, November). Barriers to Health Care for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Paper presented at the Pace Law School conference on Health Care, White Plains, New York
  • Bacon, A. (1991, May). "Merging networks - merging knowledge." Keynote speaker at the conference, Aging and Developmental Disabilities...Merging Networks, Merging Knowledge, presented by the Westchester Aging/Developmental Disabilities Task Force and the Mid-Hudson Regional Geriatric Center, Valhalla, N.Y.
  • Bacon, A. (1989, October). A conceptual framework for services in a University Affiliated Program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of University Affiliated Programs, Baltimore, MD.
  • Bacon, A. (l989, February). Meeting the challenges of the 1990's: The value of choice and empowerment. Keynote address at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Chapter of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Tarrytown, N.Y.
  • Bacon, A. (1988, August). Targeted Dissemination: A Proactive Process. Paper presented at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Bacon, A., Crimmins, D., and O'Hara, D. (1988, April) Outcome evaluation of leadership training in MCH training programs. Paper presented in a workshop on Leadership Training, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Bacon, A. (1987, September). Coordination between aging and disabilities services. Opening session at the New York Conference on Aging, New York City, N.Y.
  • Bacon, A., and Crimmins, D. (1987, July) Social competence and employment of adults with developmental disabilities. Paper presented at Conference, A Look Ahead: Economics, Industry and Disability, Boston, Massachusetts.


Education and Training

  • West Virginia University-Ph.D. Educational Psychology (1977)
  • Western Michigan University-M.A. Psychology (1974)
  • Western Michigan University  B.A.-Psychology (1973)

Professional Experience and Appointments
  • Association of University Centers on Disability (formerly American Association of University Affiliated Programs): President, Board of Directors (1988); Chair or Co-Chair of various committees and workgroups, including Legislative Affairs (1994-2003).
  • Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Advisor on Health & Other Issues (2002-2003); Member, Professional Advisory Committee (1994 - 2005).
  • New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Albany, NY: Member (1985-present); Member and Chair of many Committees and Task Forces, most recently Chair; Systems Coordination/Community Education Committee and Member, Executive Committee (1997 - 2003). 
  • Member, Committee on Goals 2000 and the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities, Commission on Behavioral & Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Washington (1995 - 1997)
  • Westchester ARC: Board Member (1993 - 2000); Nominating Committee Member (2000 - present)
  • Epilepsy Society of Southern New York: Member, Professional Advisory Board (1994- 2009)
  • New York Medical College, School of Health Sciences and Practice: Member, Academic Policy Committee (1994-present); Chair, Appointments and Promotions Committee (1994 - 2003)
  • New York Medical College: Participation on the following Search Committees: Dean of School of Public Health (Chair, 2004); Program Director in Physical Therapy (Chair 1994; Chair 2000); Chairman in the Department of Psychiatry (1997); and Dean of the Medical School (1994-1995); participation on various other Committee.

