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AUCD Experts

L. Eugene Arnold, MD, MEd

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Psychiatry: Developmental
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Clinical Trials Research
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Recent Awards Received:

2022                Elaine Schlosser Award from American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry for best research on ADHD published in JAACAP in 2021.

2022                Steven Reiss Research Award from NADD

2023                Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Foundation Research Award for best-published article in 2022

2023                Frank J. Menolascino Award for work in IDD.  American Psychiatric Association.

.1966-68 Staff psychiatrist, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C. (PHS) 1970-73 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, Ohio State University 1973-78 Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, Ohio State University 1973-85 Director, Division of Child Psychiatry, Ohio State University College of Medicine 1978-92 Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, Ohio State University 1985-92 Vice Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Ohio State University 1991-3/92 Scientific Advisor to Chief, Child & Adolescent Disorders Branch, National Institute of Mental Health, Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement 3/92-3/96 Special Expert, Child & Adolescent Disorders Research Branch, National Institute of Mental Health 1996-- Executive Secretary of steering committee, NIMH multi-site Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (?MTA") 1998-- Present Co-investigator/Investigator OSU Research Unit in Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP), Chair, steering committee 2000-2008
Linked Projects

PHARM -- A Phase III Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of CM-AT in Children with Autism
PHARM -- Explorations of Neurofeedback Issues in ADHD
PHARM -- An open-label extension study of CM-AT in children with autism
PHARM -- Maintenance of efficacy of extended-release guanfacine hCl in children and adolescents with ADHD
PHARM -- An open-label extension study of CM-AT in children with autism

PHARM -- Cholesterol in ASD: Characterization and Treatment
PHARM -- Explorations of Neurofeedback Issues in ADHD
PHARM -- Maintenance of efficacy of extended-release guanfacine hCl in children and adolescents with ADHD
PHARM -- Cholesterol in ASD: Characterization and Treatment
PHARM - A phase 4, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, parallel group, active-controlled, dose-optimization safety and efficacy study of SPD489 (Vy
PHARM -- An open-label extension study of CM-AT in children with autism
PHARM -- An open-label extension study of CM-AT in children with autism
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - A phase 4, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, parallel-group, active-controlled, forced-dose titration, safety and efficacy study of SPD48
PHARM - A phase 4, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, parallel group, active-controlled, dose-optimization safety and efficacy study of SPD489 (Vy
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Rrelease Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM- Probiotics for Quality of Life in Autism Spectrum Disorders
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Probiotics for Quality of Life in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Open Label Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Open Label Study
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Study
PHARM - Probiotics for Quality of Life in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Open Label Study
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - Assessment of efficacy and safety of SPN-810 for the treatment of impulsive aggression (IA) in adolescent subjects with attention deficit/hype
PHARM - Neurofeedback for Adolescents with PTSD (NAP) Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Open Label Study
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Study
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - Neurofeedback for Adolescents with PTSD (NAP) Study
PHARM - Assessment of efficacy and safety of SPN-810 for the treatment of impulsive aggression (IA) in adolescent subjects with attention deficit/hype
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of Brexpiprazole in Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Irritability
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Open Label Study
PHARM - Assessment of efficacy and safety of SPN-810 for the treatment of impulsive aggression (IA) in adolescent subjects with attention deficit/hype
PHARM - Childhood Impulsive Aggression and Molindone Extended Release Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback For ADHD: Myndlift Add-on
PHARM - Aurora Borealis Study
PHARM - Otsuka ANCHOR Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback For ADHD: Myndlift Add-on
PHARM - AXIAL Tapestry Study
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - AXIAL Tapestry Study
PHARM - Otsuka ANCHOR Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback For ADHD: Myndlift Add-on
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback For ADHD: Myndlift Add-on
PHARM - AXIAL Tapestry Study
PHARM - Double-Blind 2-Site Randomized Clinical Trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD
PHARM - Micronutrients for ADHD in youth: The MADDY Study
PHARM - MapLight Study
Linked Products

PHARM - Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Effects: A Systematic Review of Long-term Outcomes
PHARM - Complementary and Alternative Treatments for ADHD; Review of the Evidence
PHARM - Latent class 3-year ADHD symptom trajectories in LAMS differ from MTA
PHARM - Shedding Light on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Planning the SOLAR-A Project
PHARM - Presentation on OMEN

PHARM - Presentation to Extension Service
PHARM - Placebo Response and the Company it Keeps
PHARM - Risperidone added to parent training + stimulant medication: Effects on ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and peer aggression
PHARM - Behavioral and emotional dysregulation trajectories marked by prefrontal-amygdala function in symptomatic youth
PHARM - Emotional face processing in pediatric bipolar disorder: Evidence for functional impairments in the fusiform gyrus
PHARM - Impact of ADHD and Cannabis Use on Executive Functioning in Young Adults
PHARM - Three-year latent class trajectories of ADHD symptoms in a clinical sample not selected for ADHD
PHARM - Improving Clinical Prediction of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Youth
PHARM - Behavioral and Emotional Problems Associated With Convergence Insufficiency in Children: An Open Trial
PHARM - Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Dietary and Nutritional Treatments
PHARM - The 24-month course of manic symptoms in children
PHARM - Multinutrient Effect on Parent-Selected Target Problems in ADHD & Emotional Dysregulation
PHARM - Safety Labs & Nutrient Level Changes in Children with ADHD Taking Multinutrient Supplement
Social skill deficit profiles in ADHD and comorbid disorders
Beyond the depression-distortion hypothesis: Parenting stress incrementally predicts discrepant ratings
Associations between stimulant treatment and substance use through adolescence into adulthood: Longitudinal findings from Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD
Donor-recipient specificity and age-dependency in fecal microbiota therapy and probiotic resolution of gastrointestinal symptoms.
Cognitive-attentional mechanisms of cooperation—with implications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and cognitive neuroscience
Developmental progression to early adult binge drinking and marijuana use from worsening versus stable trajectories of adolescents ADHD and delinquency
For Which Children with ADHD TBR Neurofeedback is Effective? Comorbidity as a Moderator
PHARM- Variable Patterns of Remission from ADHD in the Multimodal Treatment of ADHD
PHARM- Fruit and Vegetable Intake is Inversely Associated with Severity of Inattention in a Pediatric Population with ADHD Symptoms: The MADDY Study
Pain Sensitivity and perceptual sensitivity are associated with severity of emotional dysregulation in children with ADHD: a cross-sectional analysis using the Temperament in Middle Childhood Questionnaire,
PHARM- Qualitative Findings on the Lived Experiences of Families with Children with ADHD: The MADDY Study