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AUCD Experts

Katherine Dukhan

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Contact Information:
4809 Woodward Ave., Suite 268 , Detroit, MI, 48202
Discipline Coordinators:
AUCD Council Membership:
Linked Projects

Community Living Services Consumer Satisfaction Process
Parent Help Center
Community Living Services Consumer Satisfaction Process
Community Living Services Consumer Satisfaction Process
Linked Products

Supporting Self-Determination--2000 Annual Report
Who's There?
A Three-Phase Study to Understand the Incidence of SIDS in Detroit and Wayne County, Michigan
Living My Own Life: Adults with Disabilities
Introductory Resource Packet for Parents Who Have Recently Discovered Their Child May Have Special Needs

Family Support Model Demonstration Project of the Michigan Outreach Program: A Three-Phase Needs Assessment Report
Skillman Center for Children Occasional Paper
The Effects of Welfare Reform and Children's Health Insurance on Families whose Children have Disabilities: Final Report
A Trainer's Guide to Self-Advocacy Skills for Persons with Disabilities
Building Self-Determination Skills: A Guide for Group Facilitators
Official Proceedings of Michigan's First Direct Support Professional Forum
BRIDGES Peer Mentor Training Participant Workbook and PowerPoint Presentation
Facilitator Guides to Inclusive Education: Effective Educational Practices in Inclusive School Settings, A Planning Tool
Inclusive Education: Evaluation Model and Protocols
Systems Change for Inclusive Education in Michigan, Final Report
Parent Stories
Inclusive Education: Is it for my Child? Brochure and Inclusive Education Planning Process Guide
Inclusive Education, Centralized Special Education and Categorical In-District Special Education: A Comparative Analysis of Costs
Technical Assistance Guide for Community College Administrators and Program Coordinators
Final Report: Supported Employment Project
Exemplary Strategies for Ongoing Supports in Employment: Natural and Human Service Supports
A Model for Outcome-based Contracting for Supported Employment Services
Transition into Retirement for Older Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Women and Disabilities--1999 Annual Report
Building Cultural Competence--1998 Annual Report
Developmental Disabilities Institute Annual Report 1997
1996 Developmental Disabilities Institute Annual Report 1996
1995 Developmental Disabilities Institute Annual Report 1995
Promising Approaches for Building Cultural Competence in Human Service and Advocacy Organizations
Promising Approaches for Building Cultural Competence in Human Service and Advocacy Organizations: Lessons Learned from Four Demonstration Sites
EarlyOn Booklet. Part H of IDEA
Person-Driven Services: Working in Partnership for Full Community Inclusion
Issues in Inclusion: The Newsletter of the Developmental Disabilities Institute
Facilitating Inclusion through Case Management (Newsletter)
Respect and Disabilities Go Hand in Hand
Enhancing the Skills of Professionals: Respecting and Supporting Culturally Diverse Families who have Children with Disabilities
2002 Annual Report--DDI Tackles Difficult Questions
Equal Justice: A Self-Advocacy Workbook
1995 Developmental Disabilities Institute Annual Report 1995
1996 Developmental Disabilities Institute Annual Report 1996
A Three-Phase Study to Understand the Incidence of SIDS in Detroit and Wayne County, Michigan
Developmental Disabilities Institute Annual Report 1997
EarlyOn Booklet. Part H of IDEA
Inclusive Education: Evaluation Model and Protocols
Promising Approaches for Building Cultural Competence in Human Service and Advocacy Organizations
Skillman Center for Children Occasional Paper
Systems Change for Inclusive Education in Michigan, Final Report
Respect and Disabilities Go Hand in Hand
2002 Annual Report--DDI Tackles Difficult Questions
A Model for Outcome-based Contracting for Supported Employment Services
A Trainer's Guide to Self-Advocacy Skills for Persons with Disabilities
BRIDGES Peer Mentor Training Participant Workbook and PowerPoint Presentation
Building Cultural Competence--1998 Annual Report
Building Self-Determination Skills: A Guide for Group Facilitators
Enhancing the Skills of Professionals: Respecting and Supporting Culturally Diverse Families who have Children with Disabilities
Equal Justice: A Self-Advocacy Workbook
Exemplary Strategies for Ongoing Supports in Employment: Natural and Human Service Supports
Facilitating Inclusion through Case Management (Newsletter)
Facilitator Guides to Inclusive Education: Effective Educational Practices in Inclusive School Settings, A Planning Tool
Family Support Model Demonstration Project of the Michigan Outreach Program: A Three-Phase Needs Assessment Report
Final Report: Supported Employment Project
Inclusive Education, Centralized Special Education and Categorical In-District Special Education: A Comparative Analysis of Costs
Inclusive Education: Is it for my Child? Brochure and Inclusive Education Planning Process Guide
Introductory Resource Packet for Parents Who Have Recently Discovered Their Child May Have Special Needs
Issues in Inclusion: The Newsletter of the Developmental Disabilities Institute
Living My Own Life: Adults with Disabilities
Parent Stories
Person-Driven Services: Working in Partnership for Full Community Inclusion
Promising Approaches for Building Cultural Competence in Human Service and Advocacy Organizations: Lessons Learned from Four Demonstration Sites
Supporting Self-Determination--2000 Annual Report
Technical Assistance Guide for Community College Administrators and Program Coordinators
The Effects of Welfare Reform and Children's Health Insurance on Families whose Children have Disabilities: Final Report
Transition into Retirement for Older Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Who's There?
Women and Disabilities--1999 Annual Report
Michigan's Personal Assistance Services and Supports: Creating a Path to Self-directed Community Living
Person Centered Planning
Violence and Women with Physical Disabilities
Inclusion Video
Alternatives to Guardianship Video
Early On Collaborative Newsletter
Early On Informational Brochure
2003 Annual Report
Early On Collaborative Newsletter