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Enhancing the Skills of Professionals: Respecting and Supporting Culturally Diverse Families who have Children with Disabilities

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
This curriculum enables professionals to enhance their skills in service support and delivery to culturally diverse families who have children with disabilities. The training curriculum content focuses on improved service delivery through enhanced interpersonal interactions, increased awareness of local, state, and national services and supports, and improved understanding of the connection between a family's cultural identity and the use of family support services. The learner objectives for participants of the training were: 1) to understand the definition of cultural competence and family support; 2) to be able to assess their own and their organizational/agency cultural competency; 3) to have obtained skills for respectful interaction with families of culturally diverse backgrounds; and 4) to be able to identify three resources for assistance in developing cultural competency. The training format is designed to be participatory and interactive. It involves the use of activities and incorporates the contents and information contained in the "Outreach and service delivery to culturally diverse families who have children with special needs: A guide of promising practices", which was developed by our project partner, the Arc of Michigan.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Academic Course Development
Target Audience:
Alternative Format:
Visual Format or Large Print
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