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Evaluation of Developmental Monitoring Using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." in Childcare Settings

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This report describes findings from a program evaluation study to examine the acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of developmental monitoring using the CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." (LTSAE) resources in childcare settings. Overall, childcare staff and parents view LTSAE materials as acceptable for use in childcare settings, however, some components of the process of developmental monitoring were considered more acceptable than others. When implementation of developmental monitoring using LTSAE is implemented program-wide in childcare settings, childcare staff found training and implementation to be fairly feasible. The Watch Me! training was found to be effective at producing an immediate impact on knowledge, attitudes, and perceived access to tools needed to effectively monitor developmental milestones. Based on parent self-report, use of LTSAE in childcare settings also increases parent knowledge of what developmental milestones to look for in their own child.
developmental monitoring, autism, childcare, early identification, program evaluation
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
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