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AUCD Experts

Gail Chodron, PhD

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Contact Information:
LEND Director
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Community Education Director
Technical Assistance
Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
Family/Parent/Youth Advocacy
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
Community Education Directors' Council
National Training Directors' Council
Multicultural Council


2023-present  WI LEND Director, Waisman Center UCEDD, UW-Madison.

2022-present  Affiliate, Population Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Public Health, UW-Madison.

2020-present  Public Health Program Faculty, School of Medicine and Public Health, UW-Madison.

2019-present  Scientist, Waisman Center UCEDD, UW-Madison.


2015 Ph.D., Social Science and Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada: November. 

2008 Certificate, Wisconsin Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related
Disabilites (WI LEND) Program, Waisman Center UCEDD, UW-Madison.

1996 M.A., Social-Cultural Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada.


Barger, B., Salmon, A., & Chödrön, G. (forthcoming). Correlations between state level monitoring and screening rates and early identified ASD/DD across racial and ethnic groups: Analysis from the National Survey of Children’s Health. Infants and Young Children.

Morgan, E., Winters, I., King, C., Shaw, B., Burns, J., Stahmer, A., Chödrön, G. (2023). Paths to equity: Parents in partnership with UCEDDs fostering Black family advocacy for children on the autism spectrum. Developmental Disabilities Network Journal, 3(1):6-29.

Smith, J., Nidey, N., Chödrön, G., Czyzia, J., Donahue, M., Ford, K., James, C., Klimova, O., Macias, M., Rabidoux, P., Whitaker, T., Brosco, J. (2022). A national quality improvement network for interdisciplinary training in developmental disabilities. Pediatrics: 150(6): e2022058236. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2022-058236.

Abercrombie, J., Pann, J., Taylor, E., Brisendine, A., Biasini, F., Swanson-Holm, R., James, C,. Viehweg, S., and Chödrön, G.(2022). Evaluation of the Feasibility and Perceived Value of Integrating Learn the Signs. Act Early. Developmental Monitoring Resources in Early Head Start. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50(1): 1169–1181DOI: 10.1007/s10643-021-01247-5.

Hall-Lande, J., Buck, D., Srinivasavaradan, D., Brown, K., Weber, S., and Chödrön, G. (2022). Promoting family engagement and early identification of developmental delays: The role of Act Early Ambassadors. Zero to Three, 43(1): 28-37.

Chödrön, G., B. Barger, K. Pizur-Barnekow, S. Viehweg, A. Puk-Ament. (2021). ‘Watch Me!’ training increases knowledge and impacts attitudes related to developmental monitoring and referral among childcare providers. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 25(6): 980-990. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-020-03097-w.

Chödrön, G., K. Pizur-Barnekow, S. Viehweg, A. Puk-Ament, B. Barger. (2021). Childcare providers’ attitudes, knowledge, and practice related to developmental monitoring to promote early identification and referral. Early Child Development and Care, 191(4): 520-534. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2019.1626373.

Linked Projects

WI State Systems Grant for Act Early Materials in Home Visiting
Act Early Ambassador
Act Early Ambassador
WI State Systems Grant for Act Early Materials in Home Visiting
Act Early Ambassador
Linked Products

LTSAE Developmental Milestones brochure
Milestone Moments booklet
LTSAE Growth Chart
Wisconsin Medical Home Webcast Series
Online webcast archives of "Autism: A Day with the Experts"

Bringing a National Campaign Home: Wisconsin's success with state branding of the CDC's Learn the Signs Act Early Campaign
Act Early Milestone Moments Booklet (English & Spanish)
Act Early Tracking Development Brochure (English & Spanish)
Act Early Growth Chart (English & Spanish)
Act Early Age Specific Checklists (English & Spanish)
Act Early Amazing Me: It's Busy Being 3! Book
Autism Spectrum Disorders Insert (English & Spanish)
Online webcast archives of "Waisman Center Day with the Experts: Autism"
Wisconsin Medical Home Webcast Series
Learn the Signs. Act Early." Initiative: An Update on System and Research Activities
Act Early State Systems Building: Integration of Early Identification Education into Wisconsin Programs Serving At-Risk Families of Young Children
Act Early Amazing Me: It's Busy Being 3! Book
Act Early Growth Charts (English and Spanish)
Act Early Milestone Moments Booklet
Act Early Age Specific Checklists (English and Spanish)
Act Early Tracking Development Brochure
Autism Spectrum Disorders Inserts (English and Spanish)
Integrating the CDC's Learn the Signs. Act Early. campaign in MCH Programs in Indiana, Virginia, and Wisconsin to Improve Early Identification of Developmental Delays and Disabilities
Webcast archives of "Waisman Center Day with the Experts: Autism"
Wisconsin Medical Home Webcast Series
Engaging Early Childhood Systems in Developmental Monitoring of all Children: Three States' Experiences Partnering Beyond the Obvious
Engaging communities one state at a time: The promotion of "Learn the Signs. Act Early." through state system grants
Building Comprehensive Developmental Screening Systems: Partnering with Early Childhood Educators to Promote Developmental Monitoring and Referral
Understanding Factors that Enable or Hinder Parent and Early Childcare Provider Communication about Developmental Concerns Using the LTSAE Materials
Childcare Driving Change: Implementing and Evaluating a Process for Developmental Monitoring Using Learn the Signs. Act Early. with Childcare Professionals
Building Community Capacity for Early Identification of Developmental Delay with Diverse MCH Programs nad Populations in Three States
Inclusion without Potential: Disability and the Biopolitics of Neuro-logical Human Capital Investments
Promoting Developmental Monitoring and Referral Using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." Campaign.
Key Decisions and Pivot Points: The Path to Successful Developmental Monitoring Using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." with Childcare Professionals
Impact of Technical Assistance on Implementation and Outcomes of Developmental Monitoring Using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." in Childcare Settings
Impact of Watch Me! Training on Head Start, Center-, and Family-Based Early Care and Education Providers (ECEPs) Knowledge and Perceived Capacity to Engage Families in Developmental Monitoring
Impact of Developmental Monitoring using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." on Provider-Parent Communication, Trust, and Relationships in Childcare Settings
Autism Family Navigation as a Strategy for Documenting and Navigating Families' Barriers to Access in Milwaukee's Urban Core
Evaluation of Developmental Monitoring Using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." in Childcare Settings
Impact of "Watch Me!" training on childcare providers' knowledge and attitudes about developmental monitoring to identify and refer for delay
Strengthening Family Leadership: Successful Strategies from Three Wisconsin Programs Benefiting CYSCHN
Helping Childcare Providers Monitor Childrens Development Using Learn the Signs. Act Early.
Engaging Families as a Key Strategy to Address Disparities in Access to Autism Diagnosis and Services
Using 'Learn the Signs. Act Early." to strengthen family and MCH workforce capacity to identify developmental delays early: Strategies from four states
Childcare providers' attitudes, knowledge, and practice related to developmental monitoring to promote early identifcation and referral
Feasibility and Impact of Integrating Developmental Monitoring Using "Learn the Signs. Act Early." in Early Head Start Settings
Watch Me! Training Increases Knowledge and Impacts Attitudes Related to Developmental Monitoring and Referral among Childcare Providers
Increasing Access to ASD/DD Diagnosis and Intervention Among Medically Underserved Populations: Lessons Learned from Family Navigation
Training and technical assistance impact childcare readiness to identify developmental delays
Reaching Hard to Reach Families: Lessons Learned Through a Quality Improvement Approach
Exploring the Role of UCEDDs as Partners in Localized Community Equity Initiatives
Place-Mediated Enablers and Barriers to Accessing Autism Services among Medically Underserved: Findings from the Wisconsin Care Integration Initiative
Wisconsin Care Integration Initiative website
Waisman Center UCEDD and Community Partners Launch an Equity Action Lab in Rural Wisconsin
Learn the Signs. Act Early. website
Act Early State Team website
Paving the Way for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity in Curriculums
Correlations between state level monitoring and screening rates and early identified ASD/DD across racial and ethnic groups.
Evaluation of the Feasibility and Perceived Value of Integrating Learn the Signs. Act Early. Developmental Monitoring Resources in Early Head Start
A Quality Improvement Network for Interdisciplinary Training in Developmental Disabilities
Paths to Equity: Parents in partnership with UCEDDs fostering Black family advocacy for disabled children.
A national quality improvement network for interdisciplinary training in developmental disabilities
Building Community Power through Partnership between Minoritized Family Leaders and a UCEDD
Evaluation of the Feasibility and Perceived Value of Integrating Learn the Signs. Act Early. Developmental Monitoring Resources in Early Head Start.
Promoting family engagement and early identification of developmental delays: The role of Act Early Ambassadors
Paths to Equity Presentation: Parents in partnership with UCEDDs fostering Black family advocacy for children on the autism spectrum
Presented on plenary panel at Community Catalyst Annual Convening
Paths to Equity: Parents in partnership with UCEDDs fostering Black family advocacy for disabled children
Feasibility, Effectiveness, and Sustainability of the Distribution of Learn the Signs. Act Early. Materials in the Wisconsin Family Foundations Home Visiting Program.
Paths to equity: Parents in partnership with UCEDDs fostering Black family advocacy for children on the autism spectrum
Correlations between state level monitoring and screening rates and early identified ASD/DD across racial and ethnic groups