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Future planning resource guide for families and adults with DD

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Future planning resource guide for families and adults with developmental disabilities in Illinois, (2006 rev). Caldwell, J., Lopez, E., DeBrine, E., Factor, A., Heller, T., & Ennis, D. This updated guide helps families navigate the maze of adult services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. It responds to families? need for a centralized source of information that describes adult services and how to access them. Content includes an overview of the service system and information on legal and financial planning, vocational and residential services, community supports, recreation and leisure opportunities, transportation, and advocacy. Information is in a user-friendly, question-and-answer format that was recommended by families. The guide is a template that other communities can follow in providing information on local services. Also available in Spanish!
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
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