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Impact: Feature issue on partnering to improve health care for children with developmental disabilities (vol. 13, no. 2)

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This issue of Impact focuses on partnerships that form to improve health care for children with disabilities. These partnerships can be on the level of the individual family or their circle of support, and they can be on a larger scale, impacting the training of health care professionals and the delivery of services to large numbers of children. The premise behind the partnership model is that a team of people with varied perspectives, expertise, and resources can provide more comprehensive and holistic services than individuals and organizations working in isolation. And, when families themselves are partners in the creation and delivery of those services and supports, the outcome is that they are more likely to receive what they actually need. In these pages are stories from parents about meeting the complex needs of their children; profiles of programs training physicians and nurses in caring for children with disabilities; descriptions of innovative collaborations between organizations that result in new health care options; and discussions of the roles of health care professionals, families, policymakers, faith communities, and others in the systems of care. It's our hope that readers will find here new ideas to explore within their own areas of influence.
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