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Impact: Feature Issue on Achieving Secondary Education and Transition Results for Students with Disabilities

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
Educational systems are being called upon to re-examine how they prepare students with disabilities for adult life. For instance, the shift toward greater participation by students with disabilities in the general education curriculum is requiring exploration of new strategies for attending to needs of diverse learners in the classroom. Standards-based education is pushing schools to figure out how to meaningfully include students with disabilities in assessment and accountability systems. The need for involvement by and continuity between school and community services is linking systems that may not have collaborated in the past. And increased involvement of families and students in individual planning, as well as in shaping educational policy and practice, is continuing to shift the locus of decision-making about education. In this Impact are descriptions of these and other issues related to the education of transition-age students with disabilities.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
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