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Growing Disability Studies: Politics of Access, Politics of Collaboration

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Product Description:
Special journal issue introduction: How does onehow do wegrow a field? In developing this special issue, we invited contributors to share answers to that question; we asked them, in other words, to reflect upon, to grapple with, and to imagine possible futures of the field. 1 As their responses attest, considering where and how the field may grow requires wrestling with the past, acknowledging the gaps, tensions, and possibilities of the present, and articulating critical questions for future field development. Part of that work is an acknowledgement that the field is, in fact, already growing: in recent years we have witnessed the development of new programs, an increased demand for courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, an expansion in online offerings, a rapid proliferation of disability studies publications, and wider recognition of disability studies as a field.
disability studies, collaboration, access
Product/Publication Type(s):
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals submitted
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Visual Format or Large Print, Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
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