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AUCD Experts

Michelle Jarman, PhD

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Contact Information:
Leadership Administrative Staff:
Associate Professor
Disability Studies
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
Discipline Coordinators:
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Director of Disability Studies Minor
Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies
Education/Special Education
English Literature and Gender Studies
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Linked Projects

WIND Speaker Series
WIND Speaker Series
Wyoming EPSCOR Disability Awareness
Wyoming EPSCOR Disability Awareness
Disability Studies
Linked Products

Kevin Connolly postcards
Kevin Connolly Posters
Coming up from Underground: Uneasy Dialogues at the Intersections of Race, Mental Illness, and Disability Studies
Disability Pedagogy in Foundational Undergraduate Courses
Getting Precious: To Pity the Girl or Rise Up with Her

"Entanglements of Disability, Ethnicity, and Relations: Orienting Toward Belonging in George Estreich's The Shape of the Eye
Growing Disability Studies: Politics of Access, Politics of Collaboration
"Paid in Full: Autisms, Debts, Dissents"
"Relations of Abortion: Crip Approaches to Reproductive Justice"
Demonic ground and disability: Landscapes of the street and the asylum
Disability Studies Programs, Inclusivity, and Ableism on Campus
Revisiting White Disability Studies: Honoring and Extending the Legacy of Chris Bell
Disability Studies Programs Poster Presentation
Barriers & Belonging: Personal Narratives of Disability
Teaching Disability Studies: Innovative Pedagogical Approaches
The Ever-Nestling: Mothering an Adolescent or Adult with an Intellectual Disability
Always Look on the Bright Side: Dominant Narratives of Illness and Health
Barriers & Belonging: Personal Narratives of Disability
Narrative Entanglements: Cultural Trauma, Madness, and the Material Value of Black (Crip) Lives.
Undergraduate Students with Nonapparent Disabilities Identify Factors that Contribute to Disclosure Decisions
Racial Erasure and Rehabilitation in the Great War
Disability Rights through Reproductive Justice
Access Intiative: Implementing UDL and Inclusive Pedagogy.
Faculty Learning Community for Inclusive Pedagogy
Faculty Learning Community for UDL and Inclusive Pedagogy.
Pedagogies of Disability Justice: Cognitive Accessibility in College Classrooms
Disability Rights through Reproductive Justice: Eugenic Legacies in the Abortion Wars
Horror as Resistance: Reimagining Blackness and Madness
Disability studies, inclusive pedagogy, and universal design for learning: A faculty pilot experience / In Press
Those lessons learned went right out the window once I was atop the soil where it all happened": Transformative learning in a study abroad course / In Press
Those lessons learned went right out the window once I was atop the soil where it all happened": Transformative learning in a study abroad course / In Press
Scaffolding active learning in interdisciplinary minors: Disability studies and inclusive futures
Disability studies, inclusive pedagogy, and universal design for learning: A faculty pilot experience.
Journal Article: "Those lessons learned went right out the window once I was atop the soil where it all happened." Transformative Learning in a Study Abroad Course
Presidential Session: Confronting Institutional and Political Attacks on Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Programs: Coordinating Local and National Approaches
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Importance to Our Work
Applying Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to Shared Disability Work in Wyoming
A Wyoming disability project: Using PhotoVoice to explore independence in the rural west
Disability Studies Invited Talk: Interdependence as Ecosystems of Care
Disability Studies Guest Lecture: Disability and Defining the Human