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AUCD Experts

Kwang-Sun Blair, PhD

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Director, Project TSBA: Tiered System Behavior Analysts
Disability Studies
Education/Special Education
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
Human Development/Child Development
Mental and Behavioral Health
Applied Behavior Analysis
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

Project TSBA: Preparing Tiered System Behavior Analysts
Project TSBA: Preparing Tiered System Behavior Analysts
Project TSBA: Preparing Tiered System Behavior Analysts
Project TSBA: Preparing Tiered System Behavior Analysts
Project TSBA: Preparing Tiered System Behavior Analysts
Linked Products

An evaluation of peer mediated social skills training for a child with Asperger's Syndrome and peers
Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education (2nd ed.)
Introduction to Special Education (in press)
Journal writing and psychological distress of Korean-American mothers of children with developmental disabilities (in press)
Positive Behavior Support through Family-School Collaboration for Young Children with Autism (in press)

Young children and problem behaviors: A review of the functional assessment research
Family-based positive behavior support for young children with developmental and behavioral difficulties
Parent training Intervention for infants and young children with feeding disorders
Evaluation and assessment of children with disabilities
Early intervention and early childhood special education
An evaluation of the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) model in a community preschool setting
Using the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce model with families of children with autism spectrum disorders
A comparison of feedback procedures on teachers? use of intervention strategies and children?s problem and alternative behaviors in community preschools
Using Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior (TTYC)
Using social stories and behavior skills training involving family members to increase social skills for a child with autism
A comparison of feedback procedures on teachers? use of behavior support strategies and children?s problem behavior and alternative behaviors
Project TSBA Brochure
Project TSBA Promotional Flyer
An Evaluation of Check-In/Check-Out for At-Risk Students
Using tablet assisted Social StoriesTM to improve classroom behavior for adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Teacher perception of problems in the process of developing and implementing school-wide PBS: Implications for Tier 3 interventions
Using the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce model with families of young children with ASD
Supporting young children at-risk for developing challenging behavior in early childhood programs
Using multimedia Social Stories to enhance prosocial behavior of at-risk preschoolers
An evaluation of group contingency interventions: Teacher preference and data-driven decision making
Implementing individualized interventions for young children with challenging behavior within early childhood programs
An Evaluation of Check-In/Check Out With Accountability Tracking for At-risk Students
An Evaluation of the Family-Centered Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model with Families of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities
An Evaluation of a Parent Implemented In-Situ Pedestrian Safety Skills Intervention for Individuals with Autism
An Evaluation of Group Contingency Interventions: The Role of Teaches Preference
Using Contingency Mapping to Decrease Problem Behavior and Increase Social Communication Skills in Children win Autism
Evaluating Check-In Check-Out with Peer Tutors for Children with Attention Maintained Problem
Verbal Operant Transfer with Mands and Tacts Using Multiple Exemplars
Effects of Response Cards on the Disruptive Behavior of Students
An evaluation of Check-In/Check-Out with accountability tracking for at-risk students in a high-need elementary school
An Evaluation of an Electronic Student Response System in Improving Class-wide Behavior
Reading in the Digital Era: Using Video Self-Modeling to Improve Reading Fluency in At-Risk Students
The model minority and creating system-wide supports for underserved Asian American students.in C. Hudley (Ed)
An evaluation of an electronic student response system in improving class-wide behavior
An evaluation of a parent implemented in situ pedestrian safety skills for individuals with autism
An evaluation of group contingency interventions: The role of teacher preference
Feasibility and potential efficacy of the family-centered Prevent-Teach-Reinforce model with families of children with developmental disorders
Evaluating Check-in Check-out with peer tutors for children with attention maintained problem behaviors
Functional communication training for children with autism and spectrum disorders and challenging behavior
Using the Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior (TTYC) for Kindergartners
The impact of question type on student behavior in using response cards: The role of teacher preference.
The impact of a teacher-preferred group contingency with data-based decision making on class-wide behavior.
Implementation of the Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support (BP-PBS) Program in an unban elementary school.
Using contingency mapping to decrease problem behavior and increase social communicative behavior in children with autism
Using video self-modeling to improve reading fluency in at-risk students.
Using acoustical feedback to improve student behavior during transitions within classroom
An evaluation of a parent implemented in-situ pedestrian safety skills intervention for individuals with autism
An evaluation of electronic student response system in improving class-wide behavior
The impact of question type on student behavior in using response cards: The role of teacher preference.
Use of the Individualized Behavior Rating Tool (IBRST) as a Self-Monitoring Tool to Improve Academic Behavior
Use of Individualized Behavior Rating Scale Tool(IBRST) as a Self-Monitoring Tool to Improve Classroom Behavior
Using the Class Pass Intervention (CPI) for children with disruptive behavior. In K. C. Blair (Chair), Addressing problem behavior in the Classroom.
Improving class-wide behavior through teacher-preferred group contingency with data-based decision making. In K. C. Blair (Chair), Addressing problem behavior in the Classroom.
Using the Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior (TTYC) in kindergarten classroom. In K. C. Blair (Chair), Addressing problem behavior in the Classroom
Use of the Individualized Behavior Rating Scale Tool as a self-monitoring tool. In K. C. Blair (Chair), Supporting individual students with problem behavior within class-wide interventions
The impact of question type on student behavior in using response cards. In K. C. Blair (Chair), Supporting individual students with problem behavior within class-wide interventions
Implementing of the Bully Prevention in positive Behavior Support (BP-PBS). In K. C. Blair (Chair), Supporting individual students with problem behavior within class-wide interventions
School-based behavior analyst preparation
Class-wide PBS: A South Korean elementary school classroom experience