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AUCD Experts

Maureen van Stone, Esq., MS

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Contact Information:
716 North Broadway , Baltimore, MD, 21205
UCEDD Director
Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
Special Education
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Special Education Law and Policy
Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Project HEAL (medical-legal partnership), Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
Education/Special Education
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
Public Health
Disability Studies
Special Education Law and Disability Rights
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Maureen is the director of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities (MCDD) at Kennedy Krieger Institute and the founding director of Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law), a MCDD community-based program. Project HEAL is Maryland’s only comprehensive medical-legal partnership, which provides advocacy and legal services to children with disabilities who receive services at Kennedy Krieger. Maureen is an associate in the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and affiliate faculty for the Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities. She is faculty for Kennedy Krieger's Center for Innovation and Leadership in Special Education, former adjunct faculty at Towson University, and The University of Baltimore School of Law. Maureen is a member of Kennedy Krieger’s ethics program.

Maureen serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc.; she serves on the Association of University Centers on Disabilities policy committee and rural area code caucus; she served on two advisory committees for the National Council on Disability; she served as an expert on the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, Community of Practice on youth receiving Supplemental Security Income; and she served on the Committee on Improving Health Outcomes for Children with Disabilities through The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Linked Projects

Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law)
Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law)
Project HEAL: Maryland Bar Foundation
Project HEAL

Project HEAL 2016
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Project HEAL
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Grant Programmatic Management and Tracking System (OGPSHCN-Title V)
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Grant Programmatic Management and Tracking System (OGPSHCN-Title V)
Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
Technical Assistance and Online Training of Autism Waiver Providers
DDA Consultation TA and Training
Expanding Disability Networks (UCEDDs) Access to COVID-19 Vaccine
Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Access and Confidence Among People with Disabilities
Supporting the Health and Well-being of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities during COVID-19 Pandemic
WUIDDRC and KKI Safe Return to School
Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
DDA Consultation TA and Training
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Access and Confidence Among People with Disabilities
Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
DDA Consultation TA and Training
Expanding Disability Networks (UCEDDs) Access to COVID-19 Vaccine
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
WUIDDRC and KKI Safe Return to School
Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
Expanding Public Health Workforce
Expanding Disability Networks (UCEDDs) Access to COVID-19 Vaccine
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality
Liberty Health Care Corporation Project
Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality
Liberty Health Care Corporation Project
Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities
Linked Products

How To Advocate Your Cause in Maryland
Maryland Legislative Guide