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AUCD Experts

Debbie Hansen, B.A.

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Linked Products

NCEO - Measuring Academic Achievement of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Building Understanding of Alt. Assessment Scoring Criteria
NCEO - Varied Opinions on How to Report Accommodated Test Scores: Findings Based on CTB/McGraw-Hill's Frmwrk for Classifying Accmdtns (Synth. 49)
NCEO - Massachusetts: One State's Approach to Setting Performance Levels on the Alternate Assessment (Synthesis Report 48)
NCEO - Going Public: What 2000-2001 Reports Tell Us About the Performance of Students with Disabilities (Technical Report 35)
NCEO - A Summary of Research on the Effects of Test Accommodations: 1999 through 2001 (Technical Report 34)

NCEO - Using Computer-based Tests with Students with Disabilities (Policy Directions Number 15)
NCEO - 2001 State Policies on Assessment Participation and Accommodations (Synthesis Report 46)
NCEO - A Report of a Standard Setting Method for Alternate Assessments for Students with Significant Disabilities (Synthesis Report 47)
NCEO - Are We There Yet? Accountability for the Performance of Students with Disabilities (Technical Report 33)
NCEO - Universally Designed Assessments: Better Tests for Everyone! (Policy Directions Number 14)
NCEO - Including Alternate Assessment Results in Accountability Decisions (Policy Directions Number 13)
NCEO - A Follow-up Web-based Survey: Test and Measurement Expert Opinions on the Psychometric Properties of Out-of-Level Tests (OOLT Report 7)
NCEO - LEP Projects Report 3 - 1999-2000 Participation and Performance of English Language Learners Reported in Public State Documents and Web Sites
NCEO - Access to Computer-Based Testing for Students with Disabilities (Synthesis Report 45)
NCEO - Universal Design Applied to Large Scale Assessments (Synthesis Report 44)
NCEO - Scale Score Comparability Across Two Levels of a Norm-Referenced Math Computation Test for Students with Learning Disabilities (OOLT Report 8)
NCEO - Test and Measurement Expert Opinions: A Dialogue About Testing Students with Disabilities Out of Level in Large-Scale Assessments (OOLT Rep. 6)
NCEO - Use of Alt. Assessment Results in Reporting and Accountability Systems: Conditions for Use Based on Research and Practice (Synthesis Rep. 43)
NCEO - Setting Standards on Alternate Assessments (Synthesis Report 42)
NCEO - Initial Perceptions of ESL Educators on Including Students with Limited English Proficiency in MN's High Standards (MN 33)
NCEO - Recommendations for Addressing Standards and IEPs on State and District IEP Forms (Policy Directions Number 12)
NCEO - LEP Projects Report 2 - State and District Assessments as an Avenue to Equity and Excellence for ELL with Disabilities
NCEO - NCEO Brochure
NCEO - 2001 State Special Education Outcomes: A Report on State Activities at the Beginning of a New Decade
NCEO - Non-Approved Accommodations: Recommendations for Use and Reporting (Policy Directions 11)
NCEO - Diploma Options and Graduation Policies for Students with Disabilities (Policy Directions 10)
NCEO - Interpreting Trends in the Performance of Special Education Students (Technical Report 27)
NCEO - A Self-Study Guide to Implementation of Inclusive Assessment and Accountability Systems: A Best Practice Approach
NCEO - Read-Aloud Accommodation: Effects on Multiple-Choice Reading and Math Items (Technical Report 31)
NCEO - Washington Alternate Assessment System Technical Report on Standard Setting for the 2002 Portfolio (Synthesis Report 52)
NCEO - A National Study on Graduation Requirements and Diploma Options for Youth with Disabilities (Technical Report 36)
NCEO - Improving Validity of Large-scale Tests: Universal Design and Student Performance (Technical Report 37)
NCEO - Testing Students with Disabilities Out of Level: State Prevalence and Performance Results (Out-of-Level Testing Report #9)
NCEO - Reporting Out-of-Level Test Scores: Are These Students Included in Accountability Programs? (Out-of-Level Testing Report #10)
NCEO - Accountability for Assessment Results in the No Child Left Behind Act: What It Means for Children with Disabilities
NCEO - Putting it All Together: Including Students with Disabilities in Assessment and Accountability Systems (Policy Directions 16)
NCEO - Rethinking Basic Assumptions of Test Development: Assessment Frameworks for Inclusive Accountability Tests (Policy Directions 17)
NCEO - 2003 State Special Education Outcomes: Marching On
NCEO - The effect of a simplified English dictionary on a reading test (LEP Projects Report 1)
NCEO - Graduation exam participation and performance (1999-2000) of English language learners with disabilities (ELLs with disabilities report 2)
NCEO - Graduation exam participation and performance (2000-2001) of English language learners with disabilities (ELLs with disabilities report 3)
NCEO- An examination of state practices for reporting participation and performance of ELLs in state assessments in school year 1999-00
NCEO- Early literacy in 4 languages: Chinese, Korean, Navajo, Russian.
NCEO - State Literacy Standards, Practice, and Testing: Exploring Accessibility (Technical Report 38)
NCEO - Progress Monitoring in an Inclusive Standards-based Assessment and Accountability System (Synthesis Report 53)
NCEO - Large-scale Assessment and Accountability Systems: Positive Consequences for Students with Disabilities (Synthesis Report 51)
NCEO - Progress Monitoring in an Inclusive Standards-based Assessment and Accountability System (Synthesis Report 53)
NCEO Synthesis Report 51: Large-scale Assessment and Accountability Systems: Positive Consequences for Students with Disabilities
NCEO - Technical Report 37: Improving Validity of Large-scale Tests: Universal Design and Student Performance.
NCEO - NCEO-OOLT Report 10 - Are These Students Included in Accountability Programs?
NCEO Synthesis Report 53: Progress Monitoring in an Inclusive Standards-based Assessment and Accountability System
NCEO Synthesis Report 51: Large-scale Assessment and Accountability Systems: Positive Consequences for Students with Disabilities
NCEO - Technical Report 37: Improving Validity of Large-scale Tests: Universal Design and Student Performance.
NCEO - OOLT Report 10 - Are These Students Included in Accountability Programs?
NCEO - OOLT Report 10 - Are These Students Included in Accountability Programs?
NCEO - Technical Report 37: Improving Validity of Large-scale Tests: Universal Design and Student Performance.
NCEO Synthesis Report 53: Progress Monitoring in an Inclusive Standards-based Assessment and Accountability System
NCEO Synthesis Report 51: Large-scale Assessment and Accountability Systems: Positive Consequences for Students with Disabilities
NCEO Synthesis Report 53: Progress Monitoring in an Inclusive Standards-based Assessment and Accountability System