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AUCD Experts

Kathryn Filanoski

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
IOD Bookstore Coordinator
Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies
Bookstore Coordinator
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Kate has been with the Institute on Disability's Durham office since 2013 working as the Receptionist and Bookstore Coordinator and assisting on numerous projects over the years. In 2020, she joined the IOD's Communications and Marketing team as Web Services Coordinator. Kate brings extensive experience in customer service, website support, and invaluable institutional knowledge to her new role. A graduate of UNH Manchester, her background includes experience in both the non-profit and corporate settings, including work with the American Cancer Society, Easter Seals, and Barnes & Noble.

Linked Products

Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book 2
2013 IOD Calendar
Access NH Policy Brief: The Changing Dynamics of Hospital Care for Mental Illness and Substance Use in NH-Implications for Support Continuums...
Access NH-Policy Brief: Educational Supports for Children with Disabilities
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes

Class of 1996
Elements of Design: Frameworks for facilitating person-centered planning
Equity and Excellence in Higher Education- Reflective Practice Implementation Guide: Tool for College Faculty
Facts & Figures: The 2011 Annual Report on Disability in NH
Family Centered Early Support Services
First Five Years At Your Fingertips
From Vision to Reality: The Story of the New Hampshire Leadership Series
Getting There from Here
Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability
Including Samuel
Little Ones Have Big Dreams Too: A guide for Facilitators
Naturally Supported Employment
Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life
New Hampshire Speaks Out: We Want Public Transportation Summary Report.
NH Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders: findings and recommendations
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Dropout Prevention
Post Secondary Education: A choice for everyone
RENEW Facilitators Manual
RENEW Youth Portfolio
Solutions for Easier Living
The Beyond Access Model
The Inclusion Facilitator's Guide
The Magic of Belonging DVD
Transition of Secondary Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Treasures: A Celebration Of Inclusion
Voices of Friendship DVD
New Hampshire RAP Sheet - The Latest in Disability Research, Advocacy, Policy and Practice
To The Point
New Hampshire Task Force on Autism Assessment & Intervention
Quick Guides to Inclusion
How Well Does My Child See
Vision & Voice
New Hampshire Public Mental Health Consumer Survey Project Summary of Findings report
Including Samuel
School-based Wraparound for Adolescents
The Lighter Side of IEP's
The NH Task Force on Autism Assessment & Intervention
The Inclusion Facilitator's Guide
Getting There From Here: A Guide to Developing Natural Job Supports
Naturally Supported Employment
From Vision to Reality: A Manual to Replicate the New Hampshire Leadership Series
Equity and Excellence in Higher Education- Reflective Practice Implementation Guide: Tool for College Faculty
2014 IOD Calendar
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book 2
Facts & Figures: The 2011 Annual Report on Disability in NH
New Hampshire RAP Sheet - The Latest in Disability Research, Advocacy, Policy and Practice
To The Point
Vision & Voice
The Beyond Access Model
Elements of Design: Frameworks for facilitating person-centered planning
Membership, Participation, and Learning in General Education Classrooms for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Who Use AAC
Life Planning for a Person with a Disability
Voices of Friendship DVD
The Magic of Belonging DVD
Class of 1996
RENEW Facilitator's Manual: A Secondary Transition Model for Youth and Young Adults
Transition of Secondary Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Quick Guides to Inclusion
Who Cares About Kelsey?
Postsecondary Education: A Choice for Everyone
Solutions for Easier Living
NH Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders: findings and recommendations
Access NH Policy Brief: The Changing Dynamics of Hospital Care for Mental Illness and Substance Use in NH-Implications for Support Continuums...
New Hampshire Speaks Out: We Want Public Transportation Summary Report.
First Five Years At Your Fingertips
Family Centered Early Support Services
Access NH-Policy Brief: Educational Supports for Children with Disabilities
RENEW Youth Portfolio
Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability
How Well Does My Child See?
The Least Dangerous Assumption: The Challenge to Create a New Paradigm
Petroglyphs: The Writing on the Wall
Little Ones Have Big Dreams Too: A guide for Facilitators
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Dropout Prevention
Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life
School-based Wraparound for Adolescents
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes
From Vision to Reality: A Manual to Replicate the New Hampshire Leadership Series
The NH Task Force on Autism Assessment & Intervention
Early Edition: Therapy for Young Children
2015 IOD Calendar
Access NH-Policy Brief: Educational Supports for Children with Disabilities
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book 2
Facts & Figures: The 2011 Annual Report on Disability in NH
Facts & Figures: The 2014 Annual Report on Disability in NH
Family Centered Early Support Services
Early Edition: Individual Supports for Young Children with Autism
RENEW Youth Portfolio
Transition of Secondary Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Vision & Voice
Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability
Getting There From Here: A Guide to Developing Natural Job Supports
Little Ones Have Big Dreams Too: A guide for Facilitators
Naturally Supported Employment
Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life
The Least Dangerous Assumption: The Challenge to Create a New Paradigm
Elements of Design: Frameworks for facilitating person-centered planning
Equity and Excellence in Higher Education- Reflective Practice Implementation Guide: Tool for College Faculty
Life Planning for a Person with a Disability
The Beyond Access Model
The Inclusion Facilitator's Guide
The Lighter Side of IEP's
First Five Years At Your Fingertips
Who Cares About Kelsey?
Access NH Policy Brief: The Changing Dynamics of Hospital Care for Mental Illness and Substance Use in NH-Implications for Support Continuums...
New Hampshire RAP Sheet - The Latest in Disability Research, Advocacy, Policy and Practice
2014 To The Point
Early Edition: Supporting Children...Naturally
Solutions for Easier Living
How Well Does My Child See?
Including Samuel
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Dropout Prevention
Postsecondary Education: A Choice for Everyone
New Hampshire Speaks Out: We Want Public Transportation Summary Report.
NH Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders: findings and recommendations
Petroglyphs: The Writing on the Wall
Early Edition: Inclusion Right from the Start
Quick Guides to Inclusion
RENEW Facilitator's Manual: A Secondary Transition Model for Youth and Young Adults
2015 To The Point
2016 IOD Calendar
Autism Spectrum Disorders and AAC
Best Practices in Inclusive Education
Creating Inclusive Standards Based IEPs
Disability Discrimination at Work
Facts & Figures: The 2015 Annual Report on Disability in NH
Handbook of Evidence Based Practices for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Integrating Related Services into General Education Instruction and Typical Activities
Establishing and Communicating a Vision for Inclusive Education
Maximizing Social Relationships at School and at Home
To the Point: An Introduction to Disability in the Granite State 2014 Poster
To The Point 2015
Building Relationships: A Guide for Planning Natural Job Supports
Essential Best Practices in Inclusive Schools
First Five Years At Your Fingertips in Spanish
IOD Project Reference Guide for Families of Young Children
FY 2016 Report on Scholarly Activity and Engagement
FY 16 IOD Annual Report
2017 IOD Calendar
IOD Annual Report Website
NH RAP Sheet: Advances in Assistive Technology
Including Samuel: Digital Download Education Kit (Early Childhood, K-12 & Non-profits)
Including Samuel: Digital Download Education Kit (Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants & For Profit Org)
Creating Accessible Documents with Adobe Acrobat Webinar
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Summer 2017
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Fall 2017
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Winter 2018
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Spring 2018
2018 IOD Annual Report Website
IOD Blog - From Where I Sit
2018 IOD Calendar
FY 2017 Report on Scholarly Activity and Engagement
FY 17 IOD Annual Report
FY 18 - 22 IOD Strategic Plan
From Vision to Reality: A Manual to Replicate the New Hampshire Leadership Series
Naturally Supported Employment
Getting There From Here: A Guide to Developing Natural Job Supports
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education Volume One: Inclusion Right from the Start
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education Volume Two: Supporting Children...Naturally
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education volume Four: Individual Supports for Young Children with Autism
First Five Years At Your Fingertips
First Five Years At Your Fingertips in Spanish
NH Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders: findings and recommendations
ATinNH: Solutions for Easier Living Located in Your Neighborhood Booklet
Postsecondary Education: A Choice for Everyone
Access NH-Policy Brief: Educational Supports for Children with Disabilities
Family Centered Early Support Services
The Least Dangerous Assumption: The Challenge to Create a New Paradigm
How Well Does My Child See?
Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability and Racial and Ethnic Status in the United States
RENEW Youth Portfolio
To the Point: An Introduction to Disability in the Granite State 2014
Essential Best Practices in Inclusive Schools
To the Point 2015: Double-Sided Poster
Including Samuel [DVD] Film
Including Samuel: Digital Download
Including Samuel: Digital Rental Film
Including Samuel [DVD] Education Kit w Book
New Hampshire Task Force on Autism Assessment & Intervention
The Lighter Side of IEP's
Life Planning for a Person with a Disability
Autism Spectrum Disorders and AAC
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book 2
Elements of Design: Frameworks for facilitating person-centered planning
The Beyond Access Model [Paperback & CD-ROM]
Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life
Disability Discrimination at Work
Best Practices in Inclusive Education: Session 2
Establishing and Communicating a Vision for Inclusive Education Session 1
Creating Inclusive Standards-Based IEPS: Session 3
Maximizing Social Relationships at School and at Home: Session 6
Introduction to the Principles of Digital Accessibility Webinar
Assistive Technology Webinar Series: Assistive Technology and Aging with a Disability
Assistive Technology Webinar Series: Awesome Reminding and Finding Apps, Devices, Accessories, and Strategies
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Education Kit (K-12 Schools & Non-Profits)
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Education Kit (Colleges & Universities)
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digtal Download Film
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Film
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digital Rental Film
Accessible Document Creation with Microsoft Word Webinar
Creating Accessible Outreach and Dissemination Webinar
Including Samuel [DVD] Education Kit (Early Childhood, K-12, & Non-Profits)
Including Samuel [DVD] Education Kit (Early Childhood, K-12, & Non-Profits) w Book
Including Samuel: Viewer's Guide
NH RAP Sheet: Transition to Adulthood
NH RAP Sheet: Better Living Through Assistive Technology
NH RAP Sheet: Welcoming and Accessible Communities
NH RAP Sheet: Autism Spectrum Disorders
NH RAP Sheet: Cracking the Job Market
NH RAP Sheet: Back to School
NH RAP Sheet: Taking a Hard Look at Quality
NH RAP Sheet: Home Sweet Home
NH RAP Sheet: Whose Life is it Anyway?
NH RAP Sheet: Please Don't Hurt Me!
NH RAP Sheet: Inclusive Education
NH RAP Sheet: Making It Better!
NH RAP Sheet: Putting All the Pieces Together
NH RAP Sheet: A Failure to Protect
NH RAP Sheet: 25 Years of Progress
NH RAP Sheet: Crisis in Direct Support
NH RAP Sheet: Dream Big
NH RAP Sheet: Special Education-Opportunities & Challenges
Access NH Policy Brief: The Changing Dynamics of Hospital Care for Mental Illness and Substance Use in NH-Implications for Support Continuums...
Including Samuel: Digital Download Education Kit (Early Childhood, K-12 & Non-profits)
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book 2
Assistive Technology Webinar Series: Assistive Technology and Aging with a Disability
Assistive Technology Webinar Series: Awesome Reminding and Finding Apps, Devices, Accessories, and Strategies
Autism Spectrum Disorders and AAC
Best Practices in Inclusive Education: Session 2
Creating Accessible Documents with Adobe Acrobat Webinar
Creating Accessible Outreach and Dissemination Webinar
Creating Inclusive Standards-Based IEPS: Session 3
Disability Discrimination at Work
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education volume Four: Individual Supports for Young Children with Autism
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education Volume One: Inclusion Right from the Start
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education Volume Three: Therapy for Young Children
Early Edition: Expanding the Vision of Early Care and Education Volume Two: Supporting Children...Naturally
Access NH Policy Brief: The Changing Dynamics of Hospital Care for Mental Illness and Substance Use in NH-Implications for Support Continuums...
Access NH-Policy Brief: Educational Supports for Children with Disabilities
Accessible Document Creation with Microsoft Word Webinar
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes
Elements of Design: Frameworks for facilitating person-centered planning
Essential Best Practices in Inclusive Schools
How Well Does My Child See?
Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability and Racial and Ethnic Status in the United States
Getting There From Here: A Guide to Developing Natural Job Supports
From Vision to Reality: A Manual to Replicate the New Hampshire Leadership Series
Establishing and Communicating a Vision for Inclusive Education Session 1
Family Centered Early Support Services
First Five Years At Your Fingertips
Including Samuel: Digital Download
Including Samuel: Digital Download Education Kit (Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants & For Profit Org)
FY 18 IOD Annual Report
FY 2018 Report on Scholarly Activity and Engagement
IOD Blog - From Where I Sit
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Fall 2018
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Spring 2019
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Summer 2018
Vision & Voice Newsletter - Winter 2019
Including Samuel: Digital Rental Film
Including Samuel DVD Education Kit: For Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants, and For-Profit Organizations, w/Printed Educational Guide
Including Samuel [DVD] Education Kit Version: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations, w/Printed Educational Guide
Including Samuel DVD Education Kit: For Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants, and For-Profit Organizations
Including Samuel DVD Education Kit Version: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations
Including Samuel [DVD] Film
Introduction to the Principles of Digital Accessibility Webinar
Life Planning for a Person with a Disability
Maximizing Social Relationships at School and at Home: Session 6
Naturally Supported Employment
Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life
New Hampshire Task Force on Autism Assessment & Intervention
NH Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders: findings and recommendations
Postsecondary Education: A Choice for Everyone
RENEW Youth Portfolio
The Least Dangerous Assumption: The Challenge to Create a New Paradigm
The Lighter Side of IEP's
To the Point 2015: Double-Sided Poster
To the Point: An Introduction to Disability in the Granite State 2014
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digital Rental Film
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digtal Download Film
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digital Download Education Kit (Colleges & Universities)
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digital Download Education Kit (K-12 Schools & Non-Profits)
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Education Kit (Colleges & Universities)
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Education Kit (K-12 Schools & Non-Profits)
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Film
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Education Kit: For Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants, and For-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Education Kit: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DVD Education Kit: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DVD Education Kit: For Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants, and For-Profit Organizations
Translating the Vision for Inclusive Education into the Classroom
Think College! Planning for Post Secondary Education
Integrating Related Services into General Education Instruction and Typical Activities Webinar
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2008: Whose Life is it Anyway?
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2005: Welcoming and Accessible Communities
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2004: Transition to Adulthood
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2007: Taking a Hard Look at Quality
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2018: Special Education - Opportunities and Challenges
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2015: Putting All the Pieces Together
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2009: Please Don't Hurt Me
NH Rap Sheet Winter 2014: Making It Better
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2012: Inclusive Education
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2007: Home Sweet Home
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2016: Dream Big
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2016: Crisis in Direct Support
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2006: Cracking the Job Market
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2005: Better Living Through Assistive Technology
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2006: Back to School
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2005: Autism Spectrum Disorders
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2017: Advances in Assistive Technology
NH RAP Sheet Spring/Summer 2015 A Failure to Protect
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2015: 25 Years of Progress
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2004: Getting Out the Vote
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2007: Direct Care in the Granite State
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2008: Taking the Next Step
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2009: Express Yourself
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2010: Literacy and Disability
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2011: Supporting a Quality Life
NH Rap Sheet Fall 2013: The Power of Speaking Out
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2014: Community: Be A Part of It
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2016: Getting to Work
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2006: Taking a Stand, Making a Difference
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2008: Stranger in a Strange Land
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2009: Making Ends Meet
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2010: Off to a Great Start
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2012: Putting the Squeeze on Care
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2013: A System in Crisis
NH RAP Sheet Spring/Summer 2014: Staying Healthy
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2006: All You Need is Love
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2008: Just for Fun
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2009: The Long Road Home
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2010: Civic Engagement
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2011: Getting a Foot in the Door
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2012: Accessibility in the Granite State
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2005: Mental Health Care in the Granite State
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2010: Health and Wellness
NH RAP Sheet Winter/Spring 2011: Rising to the Challenge, ASD in NH
NH RAP Sheet Winter/Spring 2017: Time for Fun
ATinNH: Solutions for Easier Living in Your Neighborhood
The Inclusion Facilitator's Guide
Facts & Figures: The 2011 Annual Report on Disability in New Hampshire PDF
Facts and Figures 2015
Little Ones Have Big Dreams Too: A guide for Facilitators
New Hampshire Speaks Out: We Want Public Transportation Summary Report.
LIFE: Results from NH's LIFE Account Feasibility Study & Implementation Plan
2020 IOD Calendar
RENEW Facilitator's Manual: A Secondary Transition Model for Youth and Young Adults
2021 IOD Calendar
FY 2019 Report on Scholarly Activity and Engagement
FY 20 IOD Annual Report
FY 2020 Report on Scholarly Activity and Engagement
NH RAPP Sheet Spring 2021 - Disability in the Time of COVID-19
NH RAPP Sheet Fall 2020: The 30th Anniversary of the ADA
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL RENTAL Film: Home Use Only
Intelligent Lives DVD Film: Home Use Only
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Film: Home Use Only
First Five Years At Your Fingertips in Spanish
2022 IOD Calendar
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book III - Make Stuff and Love People
Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book 2
Essential Best Practices in Inclusive Schools
Facts & Figures: The 2015 Annual Report on Disability in NH
First Five Years at Your Fingertips
From Vision to Reality: A Manual to Replicate the New Hampshire Leadership Series
Getting There From Here: A Guide to Developing Natural Job Supports
Health Disparities Chart Book on Disability and Racial and Ethnic Status in the United States
How Well Does My Child See?
Including Samuel: Digital Download
Including Samuel: Digital Download Education Kit (Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants & For Profit Org)
Including Samuel: Digital Download Education Kit (Early Childhood, K-12 & Non-profits)
Including Samuel: Digital Rental Film
Including Samuel DVD Education Kit Version: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations
Including Samuel [DVD] Film
Access NH Policy Brief: The Changing Dynamics of Hospital Care for Mental Illness and Substance Use in NH-Implications for Support Continuums...
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Education Kit: For Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants, and For-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Education Kit: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL DOWNLOAD Film: Home Use Only
Intelligent Lives DIGITAL RENTAL Film: Home Use Only
Intelligent Lives DVD Education Kit: For Colleges, Universities, Private Consultants, and For-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DVD Education Kit: For Early Childhood Programs, K-12 Schools, and Non-Profit Organizations
Intelligent Lives DVD Film: Home Use Only
Life Planning for a Person with a Disability
Naturally Supported Employment
Navigating Choice and Change in Later Life
New Hampshire Speaks Out: We Want Public Transportation Summary Report.
NH Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders: Findings and Recommendations
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2005: Autism Spectrum Disorders
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2010: Literacy and Disability
NH Rap Sheet Fall 2013: The Power of Speaking Out
NH RAP Sheet Fall 2016: Getting to Work
NH RAP Sheet Spring 2005: Better Living Through Assistive Technology
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2008: Just for Fun
NH RAP Sheet Summer 2017: Advances in Assistive Technology
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2008: Whose Life is it Anyway?
NH RAP Sheet Winter 2016: Crisis in Direct Support
Postsecondary Education: A Choice for Everyone
RENEW Youth Portfolio
The Lighter Side of IEP's
The Least Dangerous Assumption: The Challenge to Create a New Paradigm
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digital Download Education Kit
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digtal Download Film
Who Cares About Kelsey? Digital Rental Film
Who Cares About Kelsey? DVD Film
Disability Discrimination at Work
FY 2020 Report on Scholarly Activity and Engagement
NH RAPP Sheet Fall 2021 - Meaningful Transitions: Setting a Higher Standard
NH RAPP Sheet Spring 2022 - Disability and Housing